Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fourstar i Sverige

Rick Howard chillar framför en "dump truck" som Crailtap kallar studentflaken:

From Mick, 

Q: So when I saw the photo of Carroll from Tuesday's gallery, I lost a little bit of respect. 3.5% beer? Pussy. You do know you could have picked up some Carlsberg special brew at 9%, it puts hair on your balls! FACT!

A: Yep you caught me at a vain moment. I am too hairy as it is and thought the strong more manly beer would put hair on my last piece of bare skin, the bottoms of my feet. It had nothing to do with them only selling the over 3.5's in specific stores that close early or something like that. -Carroll

1 comment:

boosie said...

Dump truck, haha! Det är fan vad det är, åk med pappskallarna till Renova.